Program: The Growth of A Strong General from A Good Soldier

We deeply understand that front-line managers are essential part in our company.  They work at the forefront place in the factory, impacting directly on product quality, production safety, and worker morale, and hence affecting company’s success. They are valuable assets for INI Hydraulic.  It’s the company’s responsibility to continuously advance their strengths.


Program: the growth of a strong general from a good soldier

July 8, 2022, INI Hydraulic initiated the Outstanding Front-Line Manager Special Training Program, which was instructed by professional lecturers from Zhituo Organization.  The program focused on leveling up the systematic cognition of forefront management roles.  Aiming at the improvement of group leaders’ professional skills, and their working efficiency and effectiveness, the program included self- management, personnel management, and field management training modules.


Encouragement and mobilization from the company senior manager 

Before the class, general manager Ms. Chen Qin expressed her deep care and very promising expectation about this training program.  She emphasized three important points which participants should keep in mind when participating in the program:

1, Align thoughts with company mission and establish confidence

2, Cut expenditure and reduce resource waste  

3, Improve inner strengths under the current challenging economic conditions

Ms. Chen Qin also encouraged trainees to practice the knowledge learned from the program at work.  She promised more opportunities and bright future for competent employees.


About the courses

The first-stage courses were given by senior lecture Mr. Zhou from Zhituo.  The content contained group role recognition and TWI-JI working instruction.  TWI-JI working instruction guides managing work with standard, enabling workers to comprehend their tasks efficiently, and operate by criterion.  Correct guidance from managers can prevent the situations of filed misconduct, rework, production equipment damage, and operation accident.  Trainees combined the theory with real cases at work to understand the knowledge better and anticipated how they can apply the skills in their daily work.

After the courses, participants expressed their excitement of deploying the knowledge and skills they had learned in the program to their current work.  And they are looking forward to the next stage training, continuously improving themselves.

good manager program


Post time: Jul-12-2022